WEBCSC Recruitment Drive 2021: WEBCSC has announced the recruitment notification to the posts of Lower Division Assistant, Assistant (Gr.III), Field Supervisor/Office Assistant (Grade-III), Office Assistant, and other posts. A total of 48 vacancies are available for WEBCSC.
Interested and Eligible candidate can apply for the post of Lower Division Assistant, Assistant (Gr.III), Field Supervisor/Office Assistant (Grade-III), Office Assistant, and other posts through the given link below or Official Website of WEBCSC Recruitment Drive 2021 on or 21/01/2022. He or She will get the all detailed information on the recruitment of WEBCSC Recruitment Drive 2021 such as the starting date of Online Application, Last date of Online Application, Qualification, Age Limit, Application Fee, Selection Process, PayScale, and much more.
Job Summary of WEBCSC Recruitment Drive 2021:
Exam Name: WEBCSC Recruitment Drive 2021
Organization: WEBCSC
Name of Post: Lower Division Assistant, Assistant (Gr.III), Field Supervisor/Office Assistant (Grade-III), Office Assistant, and other posts
Total Vacancy: 48
Education Qualification of WEBCSC Recruitment Drive 2021:
[1](a) The Applicant must have to obtain minimum qualification and experience as asked on or before the date of submission of application; (b)BCK stands for Basic Computer Knowledge meaning a computer course covering at least MS Office and Internet Operation, with a duration of minimum six months. If the academic/professional course curriculum successfully pursued by the applicant contains at least 6 months’ session on Computer Course and the same is duly mentioned in the testimonial/document, certificate on BCK will not be separately necessary. (c) Madhyamik or equivalent and Higher Secondary or equivalent should be obtained from recognised Board of India. (d) Graduation degree (in any discipline) must be obtained from UGC – recognized University of India.
[2] UR stands for Unreserved, EC stands for Exempted Category, SC stands for Scheduled Caste, ST stands for Scheduled Tribe and OBC stands for Other Backward Classes.
[3] An applicant must have Bengali as 1 st or 2 nd languages in the 10 th /12 th standard examination. For More details read the official notification
Age Limit of WEBCSC Recruitment Drive 2021:

Selection Process of WEBCSC Recruitment Drive 2021:
- Stage-I: Candidates will have to appear in an On-line examination, which will consist of two papers:
Paper-I: Will contain 150 nos. of MCQ type questions. Full marks: 150. Duration: 2 hrs. Names of the subjects
of Paper -I (All candidates) are given hereunder in Table 4. Paper-II: Will consist of MCQ type questions. Names of the subjects of Paper II (postcode wise) are given
hereunder in Table 5. Duration: 1 hr. 30 minutes. Candidates will have to qualify in both the papers. Both papers will be held on the same day. Details of Syllabi of Paper I and Paper II will be available in the website
later. Name of subjects in Paper- II for different post codes are given in table 4.

- Stage II: The candidates will be called for interview/viva voce test (of 24 marks) as per merit list prepared on
the basis of the results of the on-line examination subject to production of Documents and Testimonials before this
Commission for verification thereof. - Verification of Testimonials: Candidates, provisionally listed for interview/viva voce test on the basis of marks
obtained in the On-Line Examination will have to produce before the Commission all original documents and
testimonials for verification, and also have to submit two sets of self-attested copies of the same. If any candidate
fails to attend the Commission on the scheduled date(s) and /or fails to produce the required documents/
testimonials his/ her candidature will be liable to be cancelled. - Total marks for preparing final merit list: Total Marks will be calculated by adding: – (1) Marks obtained in
On-Line Examination and obtained in Interview /Viva Voce Test. - Recommendation: The first list of candidates for recommendation will be prepared on the basis of merit-cum- preference.
- Panel: A panel will be prepared with the remaining candidates on the basis of merit. The said Panel shall remain
- valid for one year from the date of publication of the first list of recommendation. 7. Consequential Vacancies: If any ‘consequential’ vacancy arises within the validity period of the panel in any
- Institution because of non-joining/ resignation of candidate(s) already recommended from the first list, the
- candidate(s) will be recommended from the panel on the basis of merit-cum-preference. 8. If any applicant does not opt for an Institution, his/ her name will not be considered for the vacancies (‘fresh’ and ‘consequential’) of that Institution under any circumstances.
Salary or Pay Scale WEBCSC Recruitment Drive 2021:
Rs 16,400.00 to Rs 68,703.00 per month.
Application fee of WEBCSC Recruitment Drive 2021:
Category | Examination Fees | Processing Fees | Total Amount Payable |
Unreserved (UR), UR (Exempted Category-EC), UR Person with disabilities (PWD) | ₹400.00 | ₹250.00 | ₹650.00 |
Other Backward Classes (OBC), OBC-A, OBC-B, OBC-A (EC), OBC-B (EC) | ₹400.00 | ₹250.00 | ₹650.00 |
Scheduled Castes (SC), SC (EC) | Nil | ₹250.00 | ₹250.00 |
Scheduled Tribes (ST), ST (EC) | Nil | ₹250.00 | ₹250.00 |
How to Apply for WEBCSC Recruitment Drive 2021?
Download Official Notification of WEBCSC recruitment link 1 | Click Here |
Download Official Notification of WEBCSC recruitment link 2 | Click Here |
Official Website of WEBCSC | Click Here |
Eligible candidates can apply for WEBCSC Recruitment Drive 2021 through online mode on or before 21/01/2022. Candidate must read the Official Notification carefully and fill the required field of application.
Important Note: Kindly read all the instructions and requirements for the job. All the communications from the company will be on your registered email. Applicants are advised to check all the information when they apply for the given organization to avoid any inconvenience.