Tech Mahindra Freshers Recruitment Drive

Tech Mahindra Freshers Recruitment Registration notification out-Apply Now | Tech Mahindra Off Campus Freshers 2020, 2021 batch recruitment drive-Registration Link

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Tech Mahindra Freshers Recruitment Registration notification out: Tech Mahindra Careers & Job Opportunity for the position of Associate Software Engineer across India.

Here, Job Seekers will get the details about the recruitment of Tech Mahindra such as Job Profile, Job location, Freshers Job or Experienced Job Opening, Year of Passout required, Salary for the current Profile, and much more.

Candidates are advised to read all the details carefully before making online application for Tech Mahindra Associate Software Engineer Job Opening for 2020, 2021 Batch across India.

Overview of Tech Mahindra Recruitment Drive 2021, 2020 Batch Freshers hiring for Associate Software Engineer:

Qualifications: BE/B.TECH/MCA

Job Profile: Associate Software Engineer

Experience Required: Freshers

Year of Passout: 2020, 2021 Batch

Job Location: Bangalore

Tech Mahindra Off Campus Recruitment Drive for 2021, 2020 Batch:

Candidates must have acquired the qualifications mentioned hereafter in these instructions, as a regular scholar from an institution that is duly approved by UGC and recognized by AICTE. Candidates having acquired the qualification from any non UGC approved/Non AICTE recognized institution or as a non-regular scholar (i.e. through correspondence courses, online courses or part-time studies, etc) are not eligible to appear for this test and selection.

  • Engineering streams/branch eligible are Comp Science/Comp Engineering/IT/E&C/E&TC/Telecom/Communication/Electronics or MCA.
    • Candidate having scored minimum of 60% in 10th/Xth, 12th/XIIth, Engineering Degree and MCA are eligible for this drive. In case candidate has done Diploma(after 10th), then minimum of 60% in Diploma is mandatory. Where the candidate has done both 12th or equivalent and Diploma, then also minimum of 60% in both is mandatory for meeting eligibility criteria. (Marks are calculated for All Subject Appeared). Also Candidate Should not have appeared for Score Improvement in any academics.
    • This Program is open ONLY for Engineering graduates and/or MCA candidates who are passed out in 2020. Candidates completing their Graduation in 2021 and have their Consolidated Marksheet or Provision Degree Certificate issued can also apply. This is not open to candidates who have passed these courses prior to 2020. Also ME/M.Tech candidates are not eligible for this program.
    • System recognizes percentage grade only. In case your academic grading/rating is CGPA based, convert them into equivalent percentage (%) grade as per your University Guidelines and enter. Entering CGPA rating will result in you being found not eligible for this drive. Enter the percentage upto two decimals.
    • Details you provide for this registration is an essence of an application form for the Internship Program. As such, incorrect details, whether deliberately or inadvertently provided by you will be held against you and may result in withdrawal of Offer Letter (in case issued based on such incorrect information) or termination of employment at a later stage.
    • On successful registration, the Registration Id and Registration PIN will be sent to you on your mail id registered with us. You must note down these Registration Id & PIN as you will be requiring this subsequently for all correspondence with us besides for appearing in the test.
    • Candidates meeting the eligibility criteria will be invited for virtual and proctored online test in about 1- 2 weeks from the date of candidature registration.
    • Candidate should have completed qualifying course in 2020 & 2021 without any backlog. Should have scored min. of 60% in SCC/10th, HSC/12th/Diploma and BE/B.Tech/MCA. Not more than 1-year gap between any 2 Academic programs.
    • In case you are already employed, the onus of getting NOC/clearance to appear for the test (if required by your current employer) or getting clear exit to join Tech Mahindra Ltd on being offered an employment will solely rest on you. Any experience you may have acquired will not be cognizable as such no extra weightage of any kind in evaluation or job offer is admissible.
    • Ensure you meet other eligibility criteria meant for this drive also. If in doubt, revisit the advertisement to understand it.
    • In case you had appeared earlier for Tech Mahindra Fresher Recruitment drive (either Campus or off Campus) in the last 6 months preceding this registration, you are not eligible to register for this drive. There must a clear gap of 6 months between the date you had last appeared for a Tech Mahindra Drive and date of registration.
    • Be careful while filling details related to personal particulars, contact details, academic credentials and other critical information. Once submitted, these can’t be amended or corrected. You may end up losing an opportunity to work with Tech Mahindra Ltd.
    • Candidates clearing the online test will only be invited for next level of evaluation.
    • Tech Mahindra Ltd will not entertain any claim for reimbursement of any expenses incurred by you either towards registration for this drive or for appearing for the test.

Tech Mahindra does not charge any fee or payment of any kind for recruitment nor engages any agency for recruitment on payment of fee or charge

This notification is for the recruitment of Associate Software Engineer from Tech Mahindra. You can apply through the given link for the profile of the Associate Software Engineer.

Important Note While Applying for Jobs:- Do read all the instructions and requirements carefully to apply for the job. All the communications from the organization will be on your registered Email ID. Keep Checking your Mailbox for the next round details once CV is shortlisted. 

Important Notice and Disclaimer:- Seekajob platform is a free Job Sharing platform for all the Job seekers. We don’t charge any cost and service fee for any job which is posted on our website, neither we have authorized anyone to do the same. Most of the jobs posted over Seekajob are taken from the career pages of the organizations.  Jobseekers/Applicants are advised to check all the details when they apply for the job to avoid any inconvenience.

How to apply Tech Mahindra Off Campus Recruitment Drive for the role of Associate Software Engineer?

Apply Link/Registration Link of Tech Mahindra 2020, 2021 batch Freshers Jobs and Careers at Bangalore location & for More Details: Click Here