tcs nqt august 2021

TCS NQT August 2021 Exam Results, last date, Test Exam date, Cut-Off Score, Exam, Score Card, Assessment Mode Details

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TCS NQT August 2021 exam, assessment mode, results, cut-off score or percentage, NQT Score, TCS Ion Job Details: TCS NQT is conducting again recruitment drive for freshers & experience. TCS NQT Application Open for August 2021 exams.

Here, you will get details about the TCS NQT Exam August & November Edition, Score Card details of tcs nqt august & November exam, results of tcs nqt august exam 2021, Assessment mode of tcs nqt august exam, Cut-off score of tcs nqt august exam, and more.

Important dates of TCS NQT August 2021 Exam:

TCS NQT Test Eaxm Date (For August Exam): 12th September, 2021 onwards
Application Closing Date (for August exam): 29th August, 2021
dates of TCS NQT August 2021

How many times will the TCS NQT exam be conducted in a year?

The TCS NQT exam will be conducted every quarter. These exams will be scheduled in the months of February, May, August and November. In addition to these 4 exams scheduled in a year, TCS iON may announce additional exam dates subject to the demand from recruiting corporates.

When will the next TCS NQT exam be conducted?

The next TCS NQT exam will be conducted in August 2021. TCS iON will announce the exam dates one month in advance. All candidates who have applied for the TCS NQT exam will receive an email notification on the planned exam dates.

When will the applications close for the TCS NQT exam?

For every TCS NQT exam session, applications will close 15 days prior to the first exam date in that session.

What are the different modes of assessment available?

For the August, November 2021 schedule, TCS National Qualifier Test (TCS NQT) will be conducted in 2 modes:

  • Online Remote Proctored Assessment
  • In-Centre Assessment at TCS iON Authorised Exam Centres PAN India

You can choose one of these options while registering, based on the computer and network infrastructure availability at your home.


If there are restrictions due to COVID-19, In-Centre mode of exam will be postponed and Online mode will be the only option to appear for the test. Candidates who have chosen In-Centre can change their mode to Online before the application closure date, if they can make necessary arrangements for the required infrastructure. Candidates who retain their choice of In-Centre mode will be given another chance to appear when the next In-Centre exam is scheduled, once the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.

How will the results be communicated?

After you complete the test, results will be processed and your scores will be shared to your registered email ID provided during the application.

Is there any cut-off score or percentage to pass the TCS NQT?

There is no cut-off score or PASS/FAIL criteria set to report your performance. You will be given a score that indicates your current ability in the topics that are assessed.

What are the next steps after getting NQT Score?

  • You can apply to any company that recognises the NQT Score and indicate your NQT registration number and score in the job application form of that company.
  • Depending on the NQT Score you have secured, you can apply to companies and job roles that accept such level of NQT Scores.
  • You can view the list of corporates who have acknowledged the TCS National Qualifier Test (TCS NQT) Score on the product webpage.
  • You can directly apply to the corporate for jobs with your NQT Score if you meet their eligibility criteria.
  • You can apply on the TCS iON Job Listing Portal.
  • Only candidates who have an NQT Score will be eligible for the above mentioned.

How long will my score be valid? Can I take another attempt to improve my NQT Scores?

  • Your NQT Score is valid for 2 years from the date of result publishing.
  • There is no limit on the number of attempts. You can write the next TCS NQT (as and when it is announced) to improve your NQT Scores. The highest score from among your attempts, will be considered as your current NQT Score.

Will TCS iON share my score with all the companies to help me get a job? Will TCS iON arrange job interviews for me?

  • TCS iON will not arrange for any job interviews. You need to apply to the companies yourself. Your NQT Scores will be shared only with those companies that you have applied for a job and when they ask for it.
  • You can view the list of corporates who have acknowledged the TCS National Qualifier Test (TCS NQT) Score on the product webpage.
  • In addition, you can apply on the TCS iON Job Listing Portal, as this privilege is given only for the candidates who have appeared for TCS NQT.


Each company’s eligibility/filtering/selection criterion is based on the rules defined by them on the levels of different abilities required for a job and may also have additional eligibility/filtering/selection criteria.

For More Details about TCS NQT August 2021 Recruitment: Click Here