Seagate Hiring for the role of VLSI Intern | Freshers | Internship

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Seagate is hiring for the role of VLSI Intern for fresher. Interested candidates can apply for this recruitment drive and register through the given link. The detailed eligibility criteria to qualify and the application process are given below.

Job Summary of Seagate India:

Company:Seagate Technology PLC
Job Profile:VLSI Intern
Salary:Best In Industry
Seagate, Seagate off campus drive, Seagate off campus drive 2020

Job Description:

  • Be provided training on Functional Verification Methodologies at IP and SoC level using SystemVerilog and UVM. After due training, you will be able to work on verifying the design using Synopsys Simulation tools.
  • Develop Test-bench & Reference models in IP & SoC level verification environments.
  • Document and Implement Verification Plans.
  • He/She will work closely with design engineers to create constrained random based test-benches and test cases to meet the required functional and code coverage metrics.
  • Debug and help resolve test failures.
  • He/She has the opportunity to create reusable verification environments to be used across multiple teams.
  • Complete internship project as per plan.

About You:

  • Candidate should have knowledge of ASIC design flow and tools.
  • Candidate should have good understanding of Circuit design, Logic design, Setup time, Hold time, Combinatorial and Sequential circuits, CMOS and Power consumption.’

The notification is for the recruitment of VLSI Intern. Here, You will get complete information about the application form. You will get the complete details application procedure, important dates, qualification, pay Scale, and Important Links.

How to apply for the VLSI Intern Profile at Seagate India?

Apply Link of Seagate for VLSI Intern: Click Here

Eligible applicants can find all important links to apply for Seagate India Job. We advise the applicants that must read the official notification before filling the application form for Seagate India. Interested Applicants will get the complete information regarding the recruitment of Seagate India as a VLSI Intern. The notification is for the recruitment of VLSI Intern.

About Vishal Kumar

Hey I am Vishal, I am an active journal writer in job industry. I have four year experience in it. Here, You will get the Latest Off Campus Job Update.

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