RFI Recruitment Drive 2021

RFI 53 Post Graduate & Technician Apprentice recruitment drive 2021 | BE/B.TECH/Diploma students are eligible | Application form of RFI recruitment drive for 53 Apprentice vacancy

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Rifle Factory Ishapore-RFI Recruitment Drive 2021, 53 vacancies for Graduate & Technicians Apprentices under NATS: RFI has announced Notification No. FTI/RFI/NATS/20-21 dated 15-03-2021 for the recruitment to the posts of Graduate & Technician Apprentices under the National Apprentice Training Scheme (NATS). A total of 53 vacancies are available for RFI.

Applications are invited by Rifle Factory, Ishapore, Ministry of Defence, Government of India from the candidates having qualification of B.Tech in Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics/Instrumentation/Computer/IT Engineering or Diploma in Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics/Instrumentation/Computer/IT Engineering for enrolment as trainee Apprentices under National Apprentice Training Scheme (NATS) under Ministry of Human Resource Development, GOI. Preference will be given to those who resides North 24 Parganas, Nadia, Kolkata & Hooghly Districts of West Bengal.

Important Note: Candidates who have passed out within the last 3 years will be considered. Candidates belonging to the districts of North 24 Parganas, Nadia, Kolkata & Hooghly Districts of West Bengal will be given preference for enrolment for training

Interested and Eligible candidate can apply for the post of Graduate & Technician Apprentices through the given link below or Official Website of RFI Recruitment Drive 2021 on or 30/04/2021.

 He or She will get the all detailed information on the recruitment of RFI Recruitment Drive 2021 such as the starting date of Online Application, Last date of Online Application, Qualification, Age Limit, Application Fee, Selection Process, PayScale, and much more.

Job Summary of RFI Recruitment Drive 2021:

Exam Name: RFI Recruitment Drive 2021
Name of Post:Graduate & Technician Apprentices
Total Vacancy for RFI Apprentice recruitment 2021:53
RFI Recruitment Drive 2021

Education Qualification of RFI Recruitment Drive 2021 for BE/B.TECH/Diploma students as trainee apprentice:

  • Graduate Apprentice: B.E. / B.Tech in Mechanical / Industrial / Production / Electrical / Electronics & Power / Combination of any subject having name Electrical in it / Instrumentation / Electronics / Electrical & Electronics / Electronics & Communication / Telecommunication / CS / IT
  • Diploma Apprentice: Engineering Diploma in Mechanical / Industrial / Automobile / Production / Electrical / Electronics & Power / Combination of any subject having name Electrical in it / Instrumentation / Electronics / Electrical & Electronics / Electronics & Communication / Telecommunication / Computer

No additional weightage will be given to the candidate who possesses higher qualification along with above minimum essential qualification.

Selection Process of RFI Recruitment Drive 2021 for 50 vacancies as trainee apprentice job:

The candidates will be selected on the basis of the marks obtained at the time of acquiring of BE/B.Tech or Diploma in relevant field. For More Details Read the Official Notification below.

Stipend for RFI Recruitment Drive 2021, 50 Post as apprentice for BE, B.TECH, Diploma freshers:

For Graduate Engineers-Rs.9000/- p.m.
For Diploma Holders –Rs.8000/- p.m.
apprentice for BE, B.TECH, Diploma freshers

Application fee of RFI Recruitment Drive 2021: No Fees 


The candidates should keep ready the following particulars at the time of registration in NATS Portal (www.mhrdnats.gov.in) –

a. Active Email ID and Mobile Number.

b. Aadhar Card.

c. Enrolment/Registration details of Apprenticeship portal (if any).

How to Apply for RFI Recruitment Drive 2021?

Candidates are advised to enroll successfully at www.mhrdnats.gov.in and APPLY FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT “RIFLE FACTORY, ISHAPORE” AFTER LOGGING IN NATS PORTAL

Important Dates of RFI Apprentice recruitment drive 2021

Opening date of Application of rfi recruitment 2021: 15/03/2021
Closing date of Application of rfi recruitment 2021: 30/04/2021
Dates of RFI Apprentice recruitment drive

Required Documents (copies) to be enclosed along with application:

a. Self attested copies of certificate in proof of qualification (As per the qualification specified in instruction sheet)

 b. Self attested of Proof of date of birth.

c. Self attested copy of Adhaar Card

 d. Proof of Adhaar Linked Bank Account in his own name.

e. Attested copy of cast certificate in the format required for Central Govt. Employment as enclosed (in case of SC/ST/OBC)

f. OBC-NCL (Non-creamy Layer) certificate issued by Tehsildar as per format indicated in the Annexure in the press notification.

g. Two self attested passport size photograph.

Apply Online for trainee Apprentice at Rifle Factory, Ishapore (RFI): http://portal.mhrdnats.gov.in/

Download Official Notification Pdf of Rifle Factory, Ishapore (RFI): http://bopter.gov.in/assets/pdf/ISHAPOREADVERTISEMENT_FOR_TRAINING.pdf

Eligible candidates can apply for RFI Recruitment Drive 2021 through online mode on or before 30/04/2021. Candidate must read the Official Notification carefully and fill the required field of application.

Important Note: Kindly read all the instructions and requirements for the job. All the communications from the company will be on your registered email. Applicants are advised to check all the information when they apply for the given organization to avoid any inconvenience.