PGCIL 2021 recruitment

PGCIL 2021 recruitment of 97 Post for Field Engineer & Supervisor | PGCIL Latest Job vacancies for BE/B.Tech/B.Sc (Engg), Diploma (Engg.) in Civil & Electrical Engineer

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PGCIL Recruitment Drive 2021-Registration Link, last date, salary details: PGCIL has announced Advt. No. : NR-I/01/2021/FE & FS for the recruitment to the posts of Field Engineer & Field Supervisor. A total of 97 vacancies are available for PGCIL.

Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the post of Field Engineer & Field Supervisor through the given link below or Official Website of PGCIL Recruitment Drive 2021 on or 09/05/2021.

POWERGRID, the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of India is a ‘Maharatna’ Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Power; Govt. of India is engaged in power transmission business with the mandate for planning, coordination, supervision and control over complete inter-State transmission system and operation of National & Regional Power Grids.

 For its TBCB (Tariff Based Competitive Bidding) Project works under Northern Region-I, POWERGRID invites applications from young, dynamic and experienced professionals.

The engagement shall be purely on temporary & contractual basis for a period of 24 months initially or till completion of project, whichever is earlier. The actual engagement may vary depending on requirement and status of project.

He or She will get the all detailed information on the recruitment of PGCIL Recruitment Drive 2021 such as the starting date of Online Application, Last date of Online Application, Qualification, PGCIL Engineer & Supervisor Recruitment online application form, Age Limit, Application Fee, Selection Process, PayScale, and much more.

Job Summary of PGCIL Recruitment Drive 2021 for 97 vacancies:

Exam Name: PGCIL Recruitment Drive 2021
Name of Post:Field Engineer & Field Supervisor
Total Vacancy:97
Notification No.NR-I/01/2021/FE& FS
Notification Published on:26/04/2021

Important Dates of PGCIL Field Engineer & Supervisor recruitment drive 2021:

Opening date of online submission of applications and online payment of application fees26.04.2021 (10:00 A.M.)
Closing date of online submission of applications and online payment of application fees09.05.2021 (23:59 Hrs
Cut-Off date for the purpose of Upper Age Limit & Post Qualification Work Experience09.05.2021
Date of Interview/ Written TestWill be notified separately on the website
Dates of PGCIL 2021 recruitment

Education Qualification of PGCIL Recruitment Drive 2021 for Field Engineer & Supervisor:

Post NameQualification/Discipline/Field Experience
Field Engineer (Electrical)Full time B.E/B.Tech/ B.Sc (Engg.) in Electrical discipline or equivalent from recognized University / Institute with minimum 55% marks for General/OBC(NCL)/EWS and pass marks for SC/ST/PWD candidates.

Discipline: Electrical/ Electrical (Power)/ Electrical and Electronics/ Power Systems Engineering/ Power Engineering (Electrical)

Field Experience: Should have one year post qualification experience of Design/ engineering/ construction/ testing & commissioning/ Electrical works, etc. in rural electrification (RE)/ distribution management system (DMS)/ sub-transmission (ST)/ transmission lines (TLs)/ sub-stations (S/S), etc. Experience in PSU/Listed company particularly in the power sector shall be preferred.
Field Engineer (Civil)Full time B.E/B.Tech/ B.Sc (Engg.) in Civil discipline or equivalent from recognized University / Institute with minimum 55% marks for General/OBC(NCL)/EWS/ST and pass marks for SC candidates.

Filed Experience: Should have one year post qualification experience of Design/ engineering/ construction/ testing & commissioning/ Civil works, etc. in rural electrification (RE)/ distribution management system (DMS)/ sub transmission (ST)/ transmission lines (TLs)/ sub-stations (S/S), etc. Experience in PSU/Listed company particularly in power sector shall be preferred.
Field Supervisor (Electrical)
Full time Diploma from recognized technical Board/Institute with minimum 55% marks for General/OBC(NCL)/EWS and pass marks for SC/ST/PWD candidates.

 Higher technical qualification like B.Tech/B.E/M.Tech/M.E etc with or without Diploma is not allowed
Discipline: Electrical/ Electrical (Power)/ Electrical and Electronics/ Power Systems Engineering/ Power Engineering (Electrical)
Filed Experience:
Should have one year post qualification experience of Construction/ testing & commissioning/ Electrical works, etc. in rural electrification (RE)/ distribution management system (DMS)/ sub transmission (ST)/ transmission lines (TLs)/ substations (S/S), etc. Experience in PSU/Listed company particularly in power sector shall be preferred.
Field Supervisor (Civil)Full-time Diploma in Civil Engineering from recognized technical Board/Institute with minimum 55% marks for General/OBC(NCL)/EWS/ST and pass marks for SC candidates.

Higher technical qualifications like B.Tech/B.E/M.Tech/M.E etc with or without Diploma is not allowed

Field Experience: Should have one year post qualification experience of Construction/ testing & commissioning/ Civil works, etc. in rural electrification (RE)/ distribution management system (DMS)/ sub transmission (ST)/ transmission lines (TLs)/ substations (S/S), etc.
Experience in PSU/Listed company particularly in power sector shall be preferred.
qualification of pgcil 2021 recruitment

Age Limit of PGCIL Recruitment Drive 2021-97 posts:

Post NameAge Limit
Field Engineer (Electrical)29 years as on 9th May 2021
Field Engineer (Civil)29 years as on 9th May 2021
Field Supervisor (Electrical)29 years as on 9th May 2021
Field Supervisor (Civil)29 years as on 9th May 2021
age limit of pgcil 97 vacancies recruitment

Selection Process of PGCIL Recruitment 2021 drives for 97 vacancies of Field Engineer & Supervisor:

Filed Engineer:

1. Selection will involve Interview only, of the eligible and shortlisted candidates. However, the Management reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standards / criteria and / or to conduct a screening test, to restrict the number of candidates to be called for Personal Interview, if so required.

 2. Screening test, if conducted, shall be for elimination purpose only and will not have any weightage in final merit.

3. Screening test, if conducted shall be of 1 hr duration for 75 marks (in two parts. Part-1: 50 questions on relevant discipline and Part-2: 25 questions on Aptitude). There will not be any negative marking.

4. Qualifying marks in screening test for UR category shall be 40% and for reserved category 30%.

5. Candidates who qualify in test will be shortlisted and called for interview based on their performance in screening test.

6. The merit will be drawn purely on the basis of performance in the Interview.

7. Shortlisted Candidates will have to qualify in the Interview to be adjudged suitable for empanelment for
an appointment. The qualifying marks in the interview shall be as given below: Unreserved (UR) posts including EWS: 40% & Reserved Posts: 30 %

Candidates shall have the option for appearing the Personal Interview in Hindi or English.

For Field Supervisor:

1. Selections shall be made on the basis of scrutiny of applications w.r.t. eligibility criteria and desired experience profile and written test of the candidates found eligible after scrutiny.

2. Candidates qualifying in the written test shall be empanelled in the order of merit of marks obtained in written test.

3. The scheme of the test would be as follows:

 a) The test would be of 1 hour duration

b) Sections and Number of questions:

i. Technical Knowledge Test – 50 questions based on Diploma syllabus in the relevant discipline

ii. Aptitude Test – 25 questions based on Logical reasoning, data interpretation, comprehension, vocabulary, data sufficiency and numerical ability

c) All questions would be MCQ type with 4 options and carry equal weightage (1 mark each) and there shall be no negative marking.

 d) Qualifying marks would be minimum 40% for Unreserved including EWS and 30% for reserved vacancies. Candidates shall have the option for appearing in the Written Test in Hindi or English.

Centre for Written test/Computer Based Test shall be Delhi-NCR and date of test shall be intimated separately to the applicants after scrutiny of application. The right to allocate centre/venue shall be reserved by the Management.

1. The Final merit will be drawn purely on the basis of performance in the Interview/Witten Test.

2. The Offer for Contractual Engagement shall be issued to the suitable candidates on the basis of merit and based on requirement. However the final engagement of selected candidates will be subject to their medical fitness as per the company’s prescribed standards.

 3. Engagement of selected candidates will be subject to their medical fitness as per the company’s prescribed standards.

4. Applicants should have sound health. No relaxation in POWERGRID Medical Norms is allowed. (Refer to “Health” Link on career page of our website for standards of Medical Fitness.)

5. The decision of POWERGRID regarding scrutiny of application and short listing shall be final and binding.

Salary or Pay Scale PGCIL Recruitment Drive 2021 of Field Engineer & Supervisor:

For Post ID 1 & 2: Contract personnel will be paid monthly remuneration in the pay band of Rs 30000-3%-120000/- with initial basic pay of Rs 30000/- + Industrial DA + HRA + Perks @35 % of basic pay.

For Post ID 3 & 4: Contract personnel will be paid monthly remuneration in the pay band of Rs 23,000-3%-1,05,000/- with initial basic pay of Rs 23,000/- + Industrial DA + HRA + Perks @35% of basic pay.

Vacancies Details of pgcil Field Engineer & Supervisor 97 Job vacancies:

Post NameVacancies
Field Engineer (Electrical)30
Field Engineer (Civil)08
Field Supervisor (Electrical)47
Field Supervisor (Civil)12
vacancies of pgcil 2021 recruitment

Application fee of PGCIL Recruitment Drive 2021:

For Field Engineer (Electrical/Civil)₹400/-
For Field Supervisor (Electrical/Civil)₹300/-
application fee of pgcil recruitment for field engineer & supervisor

How to Apply for PGCIL latest recruitment for Field Engineer & Supervisior?

Apply Online: Click Here

Download Official Notification Pdf: Click Here

Official Website of PGCIL: CLICK HERE

Eligible candidates can apply for PGCIL Recruitment Drive 2021 through online mode on or before 09/05/2021. Candidate must read the Official Notification carefully and fill the required field of application.

Important Note: Kindly read all the instructions and requirements for the job. All the communications from the company will be on your registered email. Applicants are advised to check all the information when they apply for the given organization to avoid any inconvenience.