KPIT Test Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Sample Question Paper PDF, Results, Online Test Exam Date, Joining letter or Offer Letter date, Registration Link | KPIT Freshers Off Campus Recruitment Drive 2021

kpit exam pattern

KPIT’s Engineering Graduate Hiring 2021: KPIT is conducting Freshers hiring who have completed their graduation in 2020. Online Test Exam date for shortlisted candidates is 19th & 20th June 2021. The Online Behavioral Assessment date of KPIT freshers hiring is 22nd June 2021.

KPIT Online Test Exam Date & Time, Syllabus or Test Exam Pattern for Engineering Graduate hiring 2021:

Day Online Test Exam Date & TimeSyllabus
Day 119 June 2021 & 8:45 AM to 11:30 AM – you are allowed to log into the test from 8:45 AM to 9:20 AM onlyDay 1: Section A
Engineering Mathematics
Professional skills and
Knowledge of English
Basics of C Language
Algorithmic thinking

Day 1: Section B

Domain specific questions
(Attempt any one section
from the following as per your
Circuit Branches
Computer/ IT Engineering
Day 220 June 2021 08:45 AM to 12:00 PM – You are allowed to log into the test from 8:45 AM to 9:20 AM onlyDay 2: Coding round and
domain specific questions
Track 1:Programming in C and
Embedded C
Track 2: Programming in C++
Track 3: MATLAB, Simulink
and C Programming
Track 4: Machine Learning /
Deep Learning
Track 5: Java
Day 322 June 2021 (1 hour) Behavioral Assessment Please keep 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM free.No preparation is required by the candidates.
KPIT’s Freshers Off Campus Recruitment

Rules for the KPIT Test (Very Important):

How Should You Arrange Your Test Environment?

• Please ensure that your monitor / laptop is close to a wall and no one can stand behind the monitor.
• You will be asked to show the room anytime during the test. Hence …
• Ensure that no one else is in your room during the test.
• You should not have any digital device or textbook around you when the test is being conducted.
• You should not keep a mobile-phone or any video-casting device around you.
• Please have a high-resolution camera mounted on the monitor. Do not change its position.
• Please do keep some rough-paper, pen and calculator with you, because many questions would require calculations.
• No water-breaks / toilet-breaks are allowed. Please, do keep some water and snacks handy.
• The test-platform shall automatically log you out if …
• Your complete face is not visible throughout the test.

• Please ensure that you are facing a light-source, so that your face is clearly visible. Also, there should not be any light-source behind you.

• Someone else is talking in the room or there is some noise in the room.
• You are wearing tinted glasses or sun-glasses.
• You are browsing any web-site.
• You connect any additional monitor over VGA, HDMI or Bluetooth / Wi-Fi.

KPIT’s June Freshers Exam Results 2021: After Day 1 test, we will share the list of shortlisted candidates for Day 2. Similarly, after Day 2, we shall share the list of shortlisted candidates for Day 3. Final selected candidates shall be intimated on or before 8th July 2021

KPIT’s TalentOjo Portal Registration Link: Click Here

KPIT’s Official PDF link/ Download Sample Question Paper: Click Here

Important Note While Applying for Jobs:- Do read all the instructions and requirements carefully to apply for the job. All the communications from the organization will be on your registered Email ID. Keep Checking your Mailbox for the next round details once CV is shortlisted. 

Important Notice and Disclaimer:- Seekajob platform is a free Job Sharing platform for all the Job seekers. We don’t charge any cost and service fee for any job which is posted on our website, neither we have authorized anyone to do the same. Most of the jobs posted over Seekajob are taken from the career pages of the organizations.  Jobseekers/Applicants are advised to check all the details when they apply for the job to avoid any inconvenience.

About Vishal Kumar

Hey I am Vishal, I am an active journal writer in job industry. I have four year experience in it. Here, You will get the Latest Off Campus Job Update.

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