ISRO-SAC Recruitment Drive 2020-55 Posts: ISRO-SAC has announced the recruitment notification to the posts of Technical Assistant, Technician & Others. A total of 55 vacancies are available for ISRO-SAC.
Interested and Eligible candidate can apply for the post of Technical Assistant, Technician & Others through the given link below or Official Website of ISRO-SAC Technical Assistant, Technician & Others 2020 on or 15/10/2020.
He or She will get the all detailed information on the recruitment of ISRO-SAC Recruitment Drive 2020 such as the starting date of Online Application, ISRO-SAC Technical Assistant, Technician & Others Recruitment online application form, Last date of Online Application, Qualification, Age Limit, Application Fee, ISRO-SAC Technical Assistant, Technician & Others application procedure, Selection Process, PayScale, and much more.
Job Summary of Indian Space Research Organisation-Space Applications Centre (ISRO-SAC) Recruitment Drive 2020:
Exam Name: ISRO-SAC Recruitment Drive 2020
Organization: ISRO-SAC
Name of Post: Technical Assistant, Technician & Others
Total Vacancy: 55
Cisco Recruitment Drive for Associate Sales Engineer (Full Time) | graduated by May 2019 or later
Education Qualification of ISRO-SAC Recruitment Drive 2020:
- SCIENTIST/ENGINEER-SD(Electronics): Candidate must possess Phd. in fields related to Electronics/ Communication/RF& Microwaves /Power Electronics/ VLS Design/ Micro Electronics/ Embedded Sys./Signal Processing/ M.E./M.Tech. in Electronics /Electronics & Communication /Electronics & Electrical Engineering /Information & Communication Technology (ICT) with Specialization in Electronics/ Communication/RF& Microwaves /Power Electronics / VLSI Design/ Micro Electronics/Embedded Sys./Signal Processing +2 Yrs.Exp.
- SCIENTIST/ENGINEER-SC(Physics): Candidate must possess M.Sc. in Physics
- SCIENTIST/ENGINEER-SC(Computer): Candidate must possess M.E. /M.Tech. in Computer Science / Computer Engineering/ Computer Science & Engineering/ Information & Communication Technology
- SCIENTIST/ ENGINEER-SC(Electronics): Candidate must possess M.E./ Electronics/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Electrical Engineering/ Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
- SCIENTIST/ENGINEER-SC(Mechanical): Candidate must possess M.E./M.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering
- SCIENTIST/ ENGINEER-SC (Structural): Candidate must possess M.E./M.Tech. in Structural Engineering/Civil Engineering
- SCIENTIST/ ENGINEER-SC (Electrical): Candidate must possess M.E./ Electrical Engineering
- TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (Electronics): Candidate must possess Diploma in Electronics/ Electronics and Communication Engineering
- TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (Mechanical): Candidate must possess Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
- TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (Civil): Candidate must possess Diploma in Civil Engineering
Applicants should pass Matric with ITI/ Ph.D/ M.E or M.Tech/ Diploma/ M.Sc. Degree. Check Advertisement for educational qualification. For More details about the Education, Kindly read the full notification of Company. Link is given below
Age Limit of ISRO-SAC Technical Assistant, Technician & Others Recruitment Drive 2020: Age limit should be 18 to 35 years. Check notification for Age relaxation for reserved category candidates in upper age limit will be as per government rules.
Selection Process of ISRO-SAC Recruitment Drive 2020: Candidate will be selected on the basis of written test/ skill test and written test will be held at Ahmadabad.
Application fee of ISRO-SAC Recruitment Drive 2020–55 Posts: No fees

Important Dates of ISRO-SAC Recruitment:
Starting Date of Online submission of application | 14/03/2020 |
Closing Date of Online submission of application (Extended) | 15/10/2020 |
Date of Written Test at Ahmedabad | 07/06/2020 |
Important Note: Candidates working in Government/Public Undertaking/Quasi-Government/Autonomous Organization should ensure that their applications are sent through proper channel to Administrative Officer (Rmt.), Recruitment Section (P & GA), Building No. 30-D, Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ambawadi Vistar P.O., Ahmedabad –380 015 (Gujarat). Such applicant should also produce ‘NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE’ from their respective organization in original.
How to register for ISRO-SAC Recruitment Drive 2020?
- Step 1: Interested candidate goes to the official website
- Step2: Click on the “Career” find the advertisement “Advt. No. SAC: 02:2020”, then click on the advertisement.
- Step3: Candidate must read the notification, and check Eligibility.
- Step 4: To apply enter your details correctly.
- Step 5: Finally click the submit button and take the print of the application form, It may help you in the future.
How to Apply for ISRO-SAC Recruitment Drive 2020?
Revised Notification of ISRO-SAC: Click Here
Official Website of ISRO-SAC: Click Here
Download Official Notification Pdf of ISRO-SAC: Click Here
Eligible candidates can apply for ISRO-SAC Recruitment Drive 2020 through online mode on or before 15/10/2020. Candidate must read the Official Notification carefully and fill the required field of application.
Important Note: Kindly read all the instructions and requirements for the job. All the communications from the company will be on your registered email. Applicants are advised to check all the information when they apply for the given organization to avoid any inconvenience.
FAQ Question:
Starting Date for Submission of online application
Last Date for Submission of online application
Age limit should be 18 to 35 years. Check notification for Age relaxation for reserved category candidates in upper age limit will be as per government rules.
written test/ skill test
Step 1: Interested candidate go to official website
Step2: Click on the “Career” find the advertisement “Advt. No. SAC: 02:2020”, then click on the advertisement.
Step3: Candidate must read the notification, and check Eligibility.
Step 4: To apply enter you details correctly.
Step 5: Finally click submit button and take the print of the application form, It may help you in future.