HCL Technologies hiring for ML Developer

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HCL Technologies is hiring for the role of ML Developer. Interested candidates can apply for this recruitment drive and register through the given link. The detailed eligibility criteria to qualify and the application process are given below.

Job Summary of HCL Technologies:

Name of Company:

HCL Technologies Ltd



Job Profile:

ML Developer

Experience Required:

0 – 8 years

Test Location:



Job Description: Ideated, research, develop, optimize and productize to create the most innovative solutions with machine learning. Join your teammates on projects in a collaborative environment and through our training programs build skills needed for the digital age.

Your Work Matters:

· Applicants must have experience in developing deep learning/machine learning, text extraction, image processing. In-depth knowledge of machine learning, text extraction, and image processing techniques.

· Applicants should have experience in developing machine learning, text extraction, and image processing algorithms, and optimizing the existing algorithms.

· Coding experience in C/C++, Python, Tensorflow, CUDA toolkit, CuDNN, Theano, Caffe, Torch, OpenCV or similar tools are preferred.

· Applicants should be a quick thinker and should have a track record of high-performance product development.


You Need: Applicants must possess bachelor’s Degree in Engineering with 0 to 8 years of experience.

How to Apply for HCL Technologies Off Campus Drive?

Eligible applicants can find all important links to apply for HCL Technologies Job. We advise the applicants that must read the official notification before filling the application form for HCL Technologies.

Apply Online HCL Technologies as ML Developer: Click Here

Interested Applicants will get the complete information regarding the recruitment of HCL Technologies as ML Developer. The notification is for the recruitment of ML Developer.

About Vishal Kumar

Hey I am Vishal, I am an active journal writer in job industry. I have four year experience in it. Here, You will get the Latest Off Campus Job Update.

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