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Cognizant off campus Drive drive for Non-Voice | B.Com/ B.B.A / B.M.S candidates

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Cognizant Off Campus Drive for the profile of Non-Voice for B.Com/BBA/BMS Candidates. Interested candidates can apply for this recruitment drive and register through the given link. The detailed eligibility criteria to qualify and the application process are given below.

Job Summary of Cognizant Off Campus Drive:

Company Name:Cognizant
Job Position:Non-Voice
Degree Required:B.Com/ B.B.A / B.M.S
Batch:2018/2019 Batch
Interview Location:Bengaluru
Experience Required:0-1 yrs
Salary: 1,50,000 – 2,00,000 P.A.
Cognizant Off Campus Drive, Cognizant Off Campus Drive 2020,

Job Responsibilities:

  1. He or She has willingness to work inNon Voiceprocess
  2. Candidate must have good English narration skills.
  3. Candidate has good to have analytical, presentation & communication skill.
  4. He or She has willingness to work in night shift
  5. Candidate should have minimum of 10+2+3 years education pattern with supporting documents is mandatory (2017 / 2018 / 2019 pass outs only)
  6. Candidates with backlogs or waiting for results are not eligible
  7. Engineering & PG graduates are not eligible


  • Exposure to new processes and technologies.
  • Competitive salary at par with the best in the industry.
  • Flexible and employee friendly environment.

What other companies call thisrole?

Process Executive-Data    

Process Associate- Data

Interested can share your resume

How to Apply for Cognizant through for Non-Voice?

Apply Link of Cognizant: Click Here

Subscribe Youtube Channel: Click Here

Follow Us on FaceBook: Click Here

The notification is for the recruitment of the Non-Voice. Here, You will get complete information about the Cognizant recruitment drive in 2020. You will get the latest job notification related to keyword such as the Off-campus drive for 2020 batch in the 2020 year, off-campus placement for CSE students in the 2020 year, off-campus for 2020 batch in the 2020 year, off-campus drive in 2020,
off-campus drive for 2020 batch in the 2020 year
, and others.