BookMyShow hiring Data Engineer for BE/Masters in Computer Science in Mumbai location.

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BookMyShow is hiring for the role of Data Engineer for BE/Masters in Computer Science in Mumbai location. Interested candidates can apply for this recruitment drive and register through the given link. The detailed eligibility criteria to qualify and the application process are given below (For More Job update: Jobsmela).

Job Summary of BookMyShow:

Company Name: BookMyShow

Education & Experience: BE/Masters in Computer Science & 3-8 Years

Location: Mumbai

Job Role: Data Engineer

Employment: Full-Time

Your Profile

  1. Design and implementation of analytics execution framework 
  2. Implementation of model workflows to prepare/analyse/learn/predict and supply the outcomes through API contract(s)
  3. Establishing programming patterns, documenting components and provide infrastructure for analysis and execution
  4. Set up practices on data reporting and continuous monitoring
  5. Provide excellence, open to new ideas and contribute to communities
  6. Industrialise the data science models and embed intelligence in product & business applications
  7. Collaborate with multiple groups and produce operational efficiency

Your Checklist

  • BE/Masters in Computer Science
  • 2+ relevant work experience in Big Data ecosystem handing petabytes of data as Data Engineer
  • Working experience in HDFS, Big table, MR, Spark, Hive, Pig,Flume etc..
  • Advanced proficiency in Java/Scala, SQL, NoSQL
  • Strong knowledge in Shell/Perl/R/Python/Ruby
  • Proficiency in Statistical procedures, Experiments and Machine Learning techniques.
  • Exceptional problem solving abilities

How to Apply BookMyShow for the role of Data Engineer?

Apply Link of BookMyShow & For More Details: Click Here

For More Job Update:

This notification is for the recruitment of Data Engineer from BookMyShow. You can apply through the given link for the profile of the Data Engineer.


About Vishal Kumar

Hey I am Vishal, I am an active journal writer in job industry. I have four year experience in it. Here, You will get the Latest Off Campus Job Update.

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