Baker Hughes India hiring for Software Developer,BAKER HUGHES INDIA, BAKER HUGHES INDIA recruitment drive, BAKER HUGHES INDIA recruitment drive 2020, BAKER HUGHES INDIA recruitment drive in 2020, BAKER HUGHES INDIA off-campus drive, BAKER HUGHES INDIA off-campus drive 2020, BAKER HUGHES INDIA off-campus drive in 2020, Seekajob,, BAKER HUGHES INDIA recruitment drive 2020 in India, BAKER HUGHES INDIA recruitment drive in 2020 in India, BAKER HUGHES INDIA off-campus drive 2020 in India, BAKER HUGHES INDIA off-campus drive in 2020 in India

Baker Hughes India hiring for Software Developer

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Baker Hughes India is hiring for the role of Software Developer. Interested candidates can apply for this recruitment drive and register through the given link. The detailed eligibility criteria to qualify and the application process are given below.

Job Summary of Baker Hughes:

Name of Company:

Baker Hughes, a GE Company

Website: |

Job Profile:

Software Developer


0 – 2 years


Job Description: Candidate will be responsible for programming a feature and or a small feature set. You will contribute to the team and works with direction from the Senior Team Members or management but works independently.

Role and Responsibilities:

· You will act as a member of the Software Center of Excellence, representing the face of high-quality design and development practices.

· Develop high performing, scaling and innovative end-to-end web applications.

· Collaborate with system engineers, frontend developers and software developers to implement solutions that are aligned with and extend shared platforms and solutions.

· Apply principles of SDLC and methodologies like Lean/Agile/XP, CI, Software and Product Security, Scalability, Documentation Practices, refactoring and Testing Techniques.

Required Qualifications:

· Candidate should be bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or “STEM” Majors (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).

· Candidate should have minimum of 0-2 years of professional experience


How to Apply for Baker Hughes Off Campus Drive?

Eligible applicants can find all important links to apply for Baker Hughes Job. We advise the applicants that must read the official notification before filling the application form for Baker Hughes.

Apply Link Baker Hughes as Software Developer: Click Here

Interested Applicants will get the complete information regarding the recruitment of Baker Hughes as Software Developer. The notification is for the recruitment of Data Software Developer.