American Express Hiring for the role of Graduate Engineer Trainee

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American Express India is hiring for the role of Graduate Engineer Trainee. Interested candidates can apply for this recruitment drive and register through the given link. The detailed eligibility criteria to qualify and the application process are given below.

Job Summary of American Express:

Company:AMEX India
Job Profile:Graduate Engineer Trainee
Salary:Best In Industry
American Express, American Express off campus Drive, American Express Off Campus Drive 2020

Job Description:

Minimum Qualifications:

  • He/She will write code with one or more programming languages (e.g., Java, JavaScript, .NET, Python).

  • He/She will work as a core member of an agile team working on API specs, conducting code reviews and testing in ongoing sprints, or doing proof of concepts/automation tools.

  • He/She will design and develop new customer-facing applications on multiple channels like native iOS, Android, web, social integration and Java services/APIs.

  • Design and implement web-enabled systems for data collection.

Educational Requirements: Candidate must earn Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or another technical discipline by June 2020.

The notification is for the recruitment of Graduate Engineer Trainee. Here, You will get complete information about the application form. You will get the complete details application procedure, important dates, qualification, pay Scale, and Important Links.

How to apply for the Graduate Engineer Trainee Profile at American Express?

Apply Link of American Express for Graduate Engineer Trainee: Click Here

Eligible applicants can find all important links to apply for American Express Job. We advise the applicants that must read the official notification before filling the application form for American Express. Interested Applicants will get the complete information regarding the recruitment of American Express as a Graduate Engineer Trainee. The notification is for the recruitment of Graduate Engineer Trainee.

About Vishal Kumar

Hey I am Vishal, I am an active journal writer in job industry. I have four year experience in it. Here, You will get the Latest Off Campus Job Update.

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